Last Chapter 2 | ...bring an end to it.
Tintin FanFiction "The Sad Story of the Family's Hero" by Leopawtra
Haddock didn’t continue his story further, as Tintin and Christin already knew that Sir Francis had escaped the Unicorn, that Rackham had gone down with the ship, and that Francis had managed to save a portion of the treasure.
Melancholy overtook the captain as he wiped a tear from his eye, taking a deep breath afterward.
No father should have to bury their child, and no child’s final wish to their parent should be to be freed from their suffering by their hand. What a bitter fate Sir Francis had endured.
Haddock turned to face his daughter and her beloved, noticing that Christin quickly wiped the tears from her face and Tintin was also struggling to hold back his own.
Christin averted her gaze briefly, shaking her head as she whispered emotionally:“How awful...”
The captain gently reached for his daughter’s hand, giving it a soft squeeze in an attempt to console her.