Ear NomRickGriffin on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rickgriffin/art/Ear-Nom-513149292RickGriffin

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Ear Nom

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Pit Fighters, Logan and Paris

Paris: . . . Logan, it's just medical gel
Logan: Well what's the point then?! *storms off*

Tried a few different coloring approaches to this picture just to see what I could do. I haven't done, for instance, thin linework in a long time, though I would probably still need a better way to approach it.
Image size
531x869px 408.5 KB
© 2015 - 2025 RickGriffin
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Ok and I just said why does this bunny in this pic look like Bonnie from fnaf 🤔🤔