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Daily Deviation

May 8, 2008
My Pet Dragon is made from paper and some glue and have tons of personality. He fits in your palm but wont likely breathe any fire on it! This is among various other skillfully compose paper creations within ~Richi89's gallery.
Featured by Myana
Suggested by shinkita
Richi89's avatar

My Pet Dragon



~My Pet Dragon~

Im so glad i got around to making another paper/card dragon (you can see my first one here [link]) and this one is a whole dragon too=D

I made this in 3 nights usin white paper/card, hot glue,scissors, knife and a bit of sticky tape for the wings. It was so much fun to make, really happy with how it turned out:XD:

I based it on an initial sketch([link]) but it ended up being quite different.

More views [link]

Hope u like it=D

*Comments r much appreciated=D=D


Thanks so much everyone for the nice comments n favs=D and big thanks to :iconmyana: for making this piece a DD and to :iconshinkita: for nominating it=)=)

Alot of people think this is origami, but actually its not!! as it involved ALOT of cutting and glueing hehe, Also sorry theres no diagrams-.-" unless u can download images from my brain i dont think i'd be ale to make diagrams for it cos there was a bit of trial n error involvedXD, although, i will try to take some progress pics the next time i make another paper model=)
Image size
1500x1811px 1.25 MB
Shutter Speed
10/400 second
Focal Length
5 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 7, 2008, 2:03:32 PM
© 2008 - 2024 Richi89
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Lunelia's avatar
Hello there! I love so much that dragon of yours! I appreciate not only the way you played with the paper to make the dragon, but also your lighting that compliments a lot your art. Your work impressed me so much that it inspired me to do my own paper dragon! The style is very different from yours (partly because I'm not clever enough to play with folding the way you did), but since you were my inspiration, I thought I'd share it with you anyways :) Thanks for that brilliant art of yours!…