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RichBernatovech's avatar

Sentinels Anthology Cover



This is the cover for the Sentinels Anthology due out around March. A lot of creators here on Deviant Art worked on this book.
From left to right:

splash by :iconnashya:
serpenta coloered by :iconwindriderx23: and me :iconricber:
firebomb by :iconwindriderx23: and colored by :iconbakanekonei:
electron(5th panel) by :iconpeor-imposible:
sin by me :iconricber:
harlette by :iconkidnotorious:

Here is a list of everyone involved since we have writers involved too:

:iconricber: :iconwindriderx23: :iconkanoely: :iconnashya: :iconkidnotorious: :iconpeor-imposible: :iconbakanekonei:

I'm really proud of the work everyone has done on this and can't wait to get it out there. They're all done amazing work and I'm really lucky to have gotten them involved in this project. Thanks everyone!

To learn more about Sentinels, check out the website and blog at [link] .

All art to the respected owner.
all character (C) :iconricber:
Image size
750x1151px 369.67 KB
© 2008 - 2024 RichBernatovech
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rgrzela's avatar
Cool! I decided to try youtube for my short stories. you can check one show out here...… you guys might want to try something like it too!