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Black Widow



The Black Widow, warm and cool grey copic markers, white ink, and white pencil on 11x14 bristol board

My client asked for "sexy" Black Widow, so I winged it a bit. :) I just liked the Russian spy aspect to her personality, and thought I would try to play up a female, Russian version of James Bond.

Compositionally, it's nice and straightforward, triangles and s-curves. Art 101 stuff. My original intention was to make the bed appear reminiscent of webbing. It's a great idea I think, but pulling it off and having it still look like sheets on a bed (having weight and form) became a bit unwieldy, so I dropped the concept though you can still kind of see the germ of that idea here.

Some people also might find it interesting/constructive to compare this Natasha to this one from about a year ago:

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600x760px 111.74 KB
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