Goodbye SummerRicefish on DeviantArt

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Goodbye Summer


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I guess I should change the title to Hello Spring, but I did draw this guy back in Autumn. It's totally the wrong season, either way :'D
A bit of colouring practice that ended up with a weird kinda flat, solid look to it. Does anyone else find red super hard to work with? And green...and anything that isn't blue/purple :') 

Here's a bunch of process pics! You can see I have no idea what I'm doing half the time :'D
Summerwips by Ricefish
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520x742px 764.77 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Ricefish
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nekophoenix's avatar
Red IS super hard to work with - says me with the fiery coloured character - but you've done beautifully here! I don't think it's flat at all and I am in awe of how you worked the green in without it looking christmassy or garish because I have never managed that yet! The details in the fur and scales are just delicious <3