ribkaDory on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ribkadory/art/How-I-Draw-Hair-359174440ribkaDory

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How I Draw Hair

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Somebody on Tumblr asked me how i sketch hair, and it's been more than a week since then and I don't know how to answer xD because i have seriously no idea HOW i draw hair oO

So here goes a bunch of hairstyles (well yeah, you can recognize my characters) i've drawn... i really don't know what else to say D: if you have any question, feel free to ask any questions and i'll try to help (:

Hair coloring tutorials [link] [link]
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1300x4723px 1.98 MB
© 2013 - 2024 ribkaDory
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Ellie-Doodles's avatar
I used your tutorial for practice Raph : Human AU by Ellie-Doodles