The Foreign MarketRhysGriffiths on DeviantArt

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The Foreign Market


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This is a market in a pseudo medieval-renaissance fantasy world which my personal project is based upon. Traders come from far and wide to this city to make their fortune, selling rare and expensive goods. Although it's a fantasy world i tried to include some culture references to the time period - this is roughly when the portuguese began exploring South America and the Amazon and bringing back gold artefacts, jade jewellery, cocoa beans and quetzal feathers, and soldiers returned from the Crusades with goods from the Middle East which were both rare and costly. It was fun to do :)

Done with a combination of painting and photo textures, and i used a stock image from dragon-orb stock for the main character.

Image size
4000x2145px 6.54 MB
© 2013 - 2025 RhysGriffiths
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Is this a project you create for yourself or are these for university assignments or a job? Just curious as I don't know what people use DeviantArt for really.