rhapsodee's avatar


chronic videogameophile
5 Watchers49 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Current Residence: Massatwoshits
Favourite genre of music: J-pop/J-rock, alternative rock, industrial rock, new age
Favourite photographer: Robert ParkeHarrison
Favourite style of art: anime/manga
Operating System: PC: Dell, Laptop: Compaq
MP3 player of choice: Ipod mini
Wallpaper of choice: Gackt
Skin of choice: Um... human skin
Favourite cartoon character: Howl from Howl's Moving Castle
Personal Quote: "roffle"

Favourite Visual Artist
Tetsuya Nomura
Favourite Movies
Moon Child, Advent Children
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Gackt, Larc en Ciel, Alice Nine, Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails, Garbage
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
RPG, Fighting
Tools of the Trade
pencils; pen; colored pencils; Photoshop
Other Interests
videogames, drawing, sleeping

I Beat It!

0 min read
Yesterday afternoon, I finally beat Kingdom Hearts 2, and wow, was it an amazing game! I can't stress enough how much of a masterpiece it was. The ending was soooo good, and the secret ending definately hints at either another sequel, a movie or a mmorpg. Something about a "Keyblade War". 'Nuff said. If any of you people out there plan to give up at some point in the game, don't, because the ending is waaay worth it. It makes life so much better XD I definately want to write another RANDOMNESS! now, so if anyone has any ideas for a Kingdom Hearts interview parody, feel free to give me ideas. Doesn't necessarily mean I'd use your ideas, but
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Kingdom Hearts II is amazing. The battles are SO much improved, so much cooler in every way. Although the summons are fewer and less important (well it seems like it at least), the reaction commands and drives are 1735437562754723% better and awesommer. er. In some battles, the reaction commands are just... FWOAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! and... yeah. The drives are uber-ultra-sexy as well... although I havent gotten the Final drive yet (I will get it today, along with completing the game), I got the Master drive. Unbelievably sexy how Sora runs around with two keyblades; one in his hand with another floating around his other hand. and when you s
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Got KH2?

0 min read
wow... talk about a creepy last journal entry. "I am a more mature, civilized person" my ass. Although I am a teeny bit matured. But whatevs. I am SOsososososo excited about KH2. Got it preordered and I am PSYCHED. I feel like such a dork XD I've been seeing pics from the game, and I miiiiight just switch from a Riku fan to a Sora fan... 50% chance. Sora just looks SO hawt in KH2! I will still :heart: Riku forever though XD I know, I'm a videogameophile. roffle. Well, I should go back to my schoolwork. Doing this during class right now >.> what a rebel am I. Oh and btw, I am currently working on an oil painting, planning on making it KICK
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Profile Comments 18

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OH NOES. A year or two of no attention and my wonderful pet has died! DDDDD:

Here's some water for you, though. :3 -pours water over your head from a watering can- NOW GROW UP NICE AND TALL!

Doubting you remember me right now, but whatever. xDDD
HIYAZ!!!!! You're an awesome artist, so I'll add ya, k?
Nice work you have here, *goes and playes KH2*
Thanks for the watch! :XD:
thank you for the watch!! :hug:
-tackles- I found yous!! ^^ Nice stuff!!
Yo, cool stuff, you should go check out some of my new drawings ^_^