RGBfumes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rgbfumes/art/Cute-little-isometric-fantasy-house-536106815RGBfumes

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RGBfumes's avatar

Cute little isometric fantasy house



After doing some isometric pixel-art houses I thought it would be fun to try painting a non-pixel version of some cute iso house. So I did a few sketches and chose to go for this very simple fairytale/fantasy cottage. At first it was supposed to be very small object designed like it was meant to be in some game but I worked on it a bit longer than I intended, so I abandoned the idea to make it low res. Because of that I didn't have to be careful with contrast/colours, so it would be very well visible on a smaller scale and also added a few more details that are too tiny to be seen when it's zoomed out. That's why finally I present it as a bigger picture, thinking that it would still be possible to see it as a little object on the icon :P  At first I made a very precise isometric skeleton, but later decided to crook some lines here and there to make it look a bit less square and a bit more cartooney. And making it cartooney gave me the idea to make the roof tiles look very messy.
Image size
906x697px 787.04 KB
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memo333's avatar
what app to do that..is 3d or hand drawn??