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Blood of the Crumrins



I liked Courtney Crumrin and the and the Night Things when I first read it, but my girlfriend really fell in love with the comic, and started RPing Courtney on LiveJournal. We own all three collections of Courtney Crumrin comics, plus the young Aloysius one, and are eagerly awaiting the next two scheduled for release this month. My friend Shad plays Aloysius Crumrin, and drawings of Courtney are scattered in the apartment wherever I look. They don't feel like comic book characters as much as household characters, these days. I still have a lot of trouble drawing Courtney, just because I have trouble with kids, but I think this is the best drawing I've done of either Crumrin yet.

Courtney & Aloysius Crumrin, and this portrayal of the twilight King, are copyright Ted Naifeh and Oni Press.
microns and prismacolor markers.
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900x1326px 524.2 KB
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