Toph Bei Fongreymdraws on DeviantArt

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reymdraws's avatar

Toph Bei Fong



Toph Bei Fong

This is my first 2D detailed drawing. I have used CS3/CS5 along with an Intuos 4 tablet to complete this project. I have been working on this project in total of several months. :)

My goal for this project, is to make anime characters look seemingly human and tangible. It is ambitious, especially at my beginners level but since I'm having fun, I think I'll do ok with this new hobby. :)

On this drawing, a teenager(?) Toph is posed with a sunset lighting, along with an Earth kingdom parasol.

Original size is 3371 x 5789 but I have resized this to 1280. I might be refining some details on this project before printing it on an A2 format (already printed on 14x24inch on a premium FujiFilm photographic paper using either an RGB laser or LED printer[Chromira/Lightjet] and the print looks 3Dish :)).

My next drawing project is Eureka (the lady from Eureka 7). :)

UPDATE: 3 May 2020

+ decided to make this drawing up to date with today's image processing methods, since the previous version's histogram is way to the left, when I was working on a brighter screen before at 120cdm(too bright), now I draw at 62cdm on my Wacom Cintiq 24HD and the original A2 pro print I did back in 2012 was a bit dark. This new version will look way better in large prints. :)

Work in progress images:
Image size
1118x1920px 1.29 MB
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Adam-P-D's avatar
Wow, this is amazing and beautifully realistic. The details in it are magnificent and I love everything about this. Toph is the best character! avatar gif