Dino Design Challenge Prompt Thing (closed)

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Rexander134's avatar
(For those interested)

Howdy everyone :wave:
it’s been another long while since I did a journal  ^^; sorry about that..... I’ve been wanting to make this journal for a while now after coming onto this scientific dinosaur name generator site: www.fantasynamegenerators.com/…
I was considering making this into a contest (although I might try it out in the future), but I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested enough to participate and apart from requests, I really don’t have anything to offer to reward winners. So instead, I made this into a design prompt so you guys could have fun and let your creativity flow. Plus, I’m interested to see what you guys come up with.

If you’re interested in this, just comment on this journal, and I’ll list 2-3 dinosaur names, plus what the name means, from the generator, along with some of my own, to start you off.
And to make it more interesting, yet optional, I’ll give each name selected, a dinosaur classification:

Ex. Gorgosuchodon (Fierce Crocodile tooth), Theropod

With that, let the fun begin ^^
© 2018 - 2024 Rexander134
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Artapon's avatar
ok what classification would you like Ceratopodorex, Dracosuchus and Gorgodontorex be.
and what couple more would you like me to make? along with the names of your choosing.