Pixel + Art Raffle for 400++ [Winners Announced]

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......(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭...........
Baishop by ReversedClock

Baishop by ReversedClock

Thank you so very much for all of you who Participate :iconcutiekanameplz:

So much prizes to draw, with this I'm officially your April's Art slave :icongtthblushplz: Yes, I love you all so much <3

I remind, for those who haven't win now, I'll have more raffles and giveaways in the future :iconyouareokayplz: so don't be too dissapointed ♥

Winners :

  *drumroll please* :iconorekiahemplz:  lmao//no

For the 5 winners of Chibini  :dummy: :

:iconzorarinn: kai-chan ♥   1 by ReversedClock1a by ReversedClock,
:iconmlg-illustrations: MLG-Illustrations ♥  2 by ReversedClock 2b by ReversedClock,
:iconshira-noyoma: Shira-Noyoma ♥  3 by ReversedClock3a by ReversedClock,
:iconayuukang:  Ayuukang ♥  4 by ReversedClock 4a by ReversedClock ,  and
:iconmeipuru-adopts: Meipuru-Adopts  ♥   5 by ReversedClock 5a by ReversedClock  Congratulation!! :party:


For the 2 winners of icons  :la: :

:iconyuu-chan-san:   Yuu-chan-san ♥   6 by ReversedClock6a by ReversedClock  and
:iconyoucantseemee:  YouCantSeeMee ♥  7 by ReversedClock7a by ReversedClock Congratulation!! :iconcannotevenplz:


And finally, for the 2 winners of Chibi Pixels  :XD: :

:iconranelia: Ranelia ♥  8 by ReversedClock8a by ReversedClockand
:iconcreative-dot:  Creative-DOT  ♥   9 by ReversedClock9a by ReversedClock  CONGRATULATION!! :iconallmytearsplz:

Since I've already receive your reference from the form, I'll begin to work asap :D
You can follow the progress of your prize on my profile :iconlachoirplz:

Once again, thank you for all who joined!! :iconcraiplz: <333 I'll definitely hold more of this in the future!! ♥♥

Hiii lovies! ♥~ヽ(`Д´)ノ~♥

I'm feeling a bit down lately and I thought holding a raffle might cheer me up//shotshotshot jkjk I'm really thankful for the 400+ watchers and 11'000++ pageviews :iconcryforeverplz: and now I'm holding a raffle  Panda Emoji-11 (Clap) [V1] 

It'll be a modest raffle, win 2 chibi pixel & 2 icons & 5 chibini (so total 9 winners now) I'm currently experimenting at :blushes:

>>example of the chibi pixel

>>example of the icons             IC: Kokoro + Naoki by ReversedClock IC: Misa by ReversedClock IC: Ichigo by ReversedClock IC: Kiall by ReversedClock

>example of chibini  Kit by ReversedClock Rin by ReversedClock Gatikiu by ReversedClock

++Extras Panda Emoji-09 (We're sleeping) [V1] :

I'm a bit busy right now, but if the participants exceeds..

40+, I'll add an icon for the prizes. achieved :dummy:
80+, I'll add an icon more (so total 2 icons) to the prizes. achieved! :XD:
100+, I'll add one more chibi pixel to the prizes. achieved!! :la:
180+ I'll add 5 chibini to the prizes. achieved!! :omgomg: 
200+ I'll add 5 headshot sketches to the prizes.

:new: Current participant counter:  :iconsparklesplz:

**Requirements & How to enter Panda Emoji-08 (I love mah bed) [V1] :

  • Fav+ this journal :+fav: (this is important, your name won't be on the list if you dont ._.;; )

  • You do not need to watch me (but that would be really nice of you if you do and I'll love you forever Fool Emoji-16 (Pervy Yay) [V1]  //kicked)

  • Journal advertisement  about this raffle (optional) you will be awarded with extra number of the raffle Bear Emoji-03 (Love) [V1] 

  • Fill this form:  (this is also important, your name won't be on the list too if you don't >-<;; )
    FORM :

    Character reference: 
    [link to your character reference.  Please give me the clearly drawn one.  Overly detailed character would be simplified >v<]

    [Choose- with pet (mention the pet, such as cat)/without.]

    Would you be interested if I open commission for this? If so, how much do you think this chibi pixel worth?:
    [How much, more or less, would you be willing to spend for a chibi pixel like the one above >///<. I'm curious ♥
    note= 100 :points: = $ 1  ]

Raffle will end on April 1st, I'll be using random.org to choose the winner(s).
Well thank you and good luck to you!!
  Panda Emoji-07 (Snuggy) [V1]


:new: 180+ participants achieved!!! 5 chibini would now be added to the prizes Wheeeeee emote 
++HOMG GUYS I never imagined that the participants would exceed this number//faint.  Thank you for all who's joining ;_;// the more the merrier! ♥ (it's like 18 participants away from 200 hit and more prizes, for those who haven't join you have more or less a week before the raffle ends)
+++and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 600+ WATCHERS HIT :iconcannotevenplz:
I-I can't even QAQ//SOBBS  I'll definitely love you guys forever!! :iconwomanweepplz: uhuhuhu

New 100+ participants achieved!!! Another chibi pixel will now added to the prizes ♥♥♥ :huggle:
++I never imagine that the participants would exceed this number so fast o-o;;  so I'll add moar prizes if even more participants join >v<b
:new: 80+ participants achieved!! Another icon will be added to the prizes!!  :XD:
Also, reminder kiriban is 100 pv away ovo//* (check out the kiriban list on the left column of the journal)
New 40+ participants achieved! An icon will be added to the prizes :tighthug:

Skin made by fantasy-alive
© 2014 - 2025 ReversedClock
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eubasta's avatar
xD I didnt knew it already ended,lol
WOW!! I was in both 253 & 160!!! xD I always gets in the result but never wins,lol :)