Daily78 - Away in the WindRetSamys on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/retsamys/art/Daily78-Away-in-the-Wind-514675836RetSamys

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Daily78 - Away in the Wind



I challenge myself to do one sketch every day. Learn more about it here!
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Goodbye, sickness! Sending you home. Please don't come back. Stay in that place of sorrow, of darkness, of no colour.

Everyone who has seen last day's WIP knows this was coming. I made the background and went on and on about having been sick. Now, I'm better. But that doesn't necessarily mean my art will get better as well.
This is another thing I never would even have dared to do on the first round of daily sketches. But the idea was there. And then, I got asked to make an animation with hair in the wind. Well, I think I should study the way hair behave in wind, but I still like the overall result.

As mentioned in the WIP, I tried to do something different here. For one thing, I don't usually make use of much colour. I also don't really animate with vectors. I had fun with both. It might be something for a future creation.

More floating stuff: Daily77 - At the edge of sorrow by RetSamys [D21] Broken World: Moon Fisher by RetSamys[D20] Broken World: Flying Island by RetSamys[D84] Freefall animation by RetSamys[D140] Floating Island rotation by RetSamys[D113] Test Cube 3: Order by RetSamysDaily40 - The Suspended Tree, [D64] The Winds of Tomorrow, [D23] Broken World: Time, [D20b] Broken World: Flying Island in brown, Floating Rocks free base go me and my floaty stuff! :iconflying-islands-here: all the way!

Tell me what you think and what kind of thing you'd like to see in the future.

Wacom Bamboo & GIMP

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ToddNTheShiningSword's avatar
Now that I've read the description, I know the answer to my question of what the creatures being dumped out of the box were. :XD: