Crop Circle PS ShapesRetoucher07030 on DeviantArt

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Retoucher07030's avatar

Crop Circle PS Shapes



6 Photoshop custom shapes.

If you don't know how to load custom shapes into PS, see my video tutorial: [link]

Usage rules -

- No commercial / corporate use without permission.
- OK for prints on and off DA.
- If you intend to use any of my resources in work that promotes or advocates any of the following: Hate, Racism, Objectivism, Laizzes Faire Capitalism (a.k.a. Free Trade and Free Markets), Right-wing political parties (Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives or Objectivists) and specifically any opinions advocated or promoted by Fox News... I'd prefer you not use them. If you choose to ignore my request, do not credit or make any mention of the use of my resources in your work.
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