Assassin's Creed Vector ShapeRetoucher07030 on DeviantArt

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Assassin's Creed Vector Shape



Vector shape for Assassin's Creed logo. Two shapes in set includes second version of logo with bars on left and right.

Stock Rules: No Commercial Use.

Copyright: Ubisoft Inc.
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AJHDesign's avatar
If you see the need to 'cover your arse' then why put it up here in the first place? If somebody used it for commercial use, even after seeing the statement, you could still be held accountable for providing the resource.
A courtesy to Ubisoft? You say it's 'covering all the bases' and 'covering your arse' but Ubisoft would still prosecute you for a mandatory minimum of 5 to 10 years. Do you really think that Ubisoft would be lenient with you because you say 'No Commercial Use'?
For somebody who says they have dealt with usage rights for over 20 years your very short sighted and conceivably ignorant of usage rights.
I won't cover your legal fees, but I'll sure as hell come and laugh at you in court, as you tell the judge 'But I told them not to make money from it'