The following are some basic answers to common questions. More will be added over time, but hopefully one of these will answer you.
Thanks go to altair4444 for his helpful advice re; the html anchors in this entry.
Q.1 “Can I make a DA Print of any artwork I made that includes your stock?”
Q.2 “Can you give me permission to use Resurgere stock in my commercial artwork or commercial project?”
Q.3 “Should I inform Resurgere when I use their stock?”
Q.4 “What is the best way to inform Resurgere when I use their stock?”
Q.5 “I have some images I’d like to share as stock, can Resurgere distribute them for me?”
Q.6 “II would like to join Resurgere’s team / or be a guest contributor, may I?”
Q.8 “Can I use Resurgere stock in my school project?”
Q.9 “I love that font you use, what is it?”
Q.10 “How did Resurgere get it’s name and what does it mean?”
Q.11 "Can I use Resurgere stock in my entry to a contest?"
Q.12 "How come Resurgere never favs or comments on my artwork, do they even look at the links I send them?" Questions
Q.1 “Can I make a DA Print of any artwork I made that includes your stock?”
A. DA Prints count as commercial use of the stock, read the Terms of Use or and the next Q&A.
Q.2 “Can you give me permission to use Resurgere stock in my commercial artwork or commercial project?”
A. Don’t ask Resurgere, ask the Producers!!! You do need permission, but not from the group. Resurgere as an organization is not empowered to give you permission for commercial use, we can only distribute the stock under the terms of use and will never give users right beyond it.
So your question should be sent to individual team members, not the group.
Q.3 “Should I inform Resurgere when I use their stock?”
A.If the use of stock is at DA only, then it’s your choice. If the stock is used on a site outside DA or in real life then the Terms state that you must inform us.
Q.4 “What is the best way to inform Resurgere when I use their stock?”
A.The best way is to find the the package[s] or image[s] that you used in the Resurgere gallery and then leave a comment which includes a link to your work. If the link is to artwork that is outside DA it is helpful if you would mention that in your comment. The comment and link will stay on the stock deviation forever and anyone can fallow your link to see what you did with the stock.
Another option to find the producer of the stock you used and then post a common on their page with a link to your work. You are more likely to get a comment from the producer than from Resurgere.
It is better not to inform us by note or by a comment on the Resurgere page... If people inform us by note that fills our inbox very fast and makes it harder for us to quickly answer more important types of note, adding to our work load. Besides the loss of our time sorting notes, a notification by note is only seen by a few Resurgere staff not the whole team and not the public... If people inform us on the front page there is so much traffic that their comment will get pushed out of sight in a matter of days. See more on this subject at Q.13.
Q.5 “I have some images I’d like to share as stock, can Resurgere distribute them for me?”
A. Resurgere only distributes stock images and other resources produced by it’s Legion Members and Curators. To post your work in our gallery you have to join these Admins ranks. See below for more information
Q.6 “I would like to join Resurgere’s team as a producer, may I?”
A. You can find very detailed information on this by reading the blog entry here…
Q.8 “Can I use Resurgere stock in my school project?”
A. Generally Resurgere supports academic use. As long as that use does not have a commercial aspect to you don’t need special permission, though you will need to follow the rules which apply to use outside of DA.
Q.9 “I love that font you use, what is it?”
A. The main font we use is Hoefler Text Roman.
Q.10 “How did Resurgere get it’s name and what does it mean?”
A. It is a Latin word from which both “resource” and “resurge” are derived. The most common translation is “to rise again”.
Q.11 "Can I use Resurgere stock in my entry to a contest?"
A. Depends on the contest's terms. If for example the winning entry will be used in a commercial capacity [say, a book cover] then it's not allowed under the Terms of Use. Generally it is best to treat contests like commercial use and ask permission from the Producers of the stock you want to use.
Q.12 "How come Resurgere never favs or comments on my artwork, do they even look at the links I send them?"
A. Firstly, yes one of the curators looks at nearly every link you send us. Some of the links on the front page are missed, and sometimes links in notes are missed, but all links by comment are reviewed.
We almost never comment because we do not have the time to leave substantial feedback on each of the many images we review in a sitting.
We do fav usage from time to time, any of our Admins can +fav work they like as long as it uses Resurgere stock, but it does not happen often. See our "Fav Stock Usage" collection.