Le SmurfResultsOfMonopoly on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/resultsofmonopoly/art/Le-Smurf-722858701ResultsOfMonopoly

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Le Smurf



I started picking out some brushes in Krita on my new install of Manjaro and it started to look like part of the face so I went with it. I officially denounce the 3D animated Smurfs movies. I watched the series in the 80s only. I know the hue leans toward purple instead of blue. I just used the face I started to make and went from there, and experimented with this smurf that is more purple. It is not supposed to look like either the cartoons or the 3D animated smurfs, but rather is an impression starting with an image in my mind of a "realistic" smurf.
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1600x2635px 446.23 KB
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