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  • Oct 18
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
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:iconhideyourkidsplz: Well, OBVIOUSLY we have a RAPIST in Lincoln Park
:iconiliedplz: He's climbin' your windows
:iconoldschoolownedplz: He's snatching yo' people up
:icondonotwantplz::iconpelvicthrustplz: Tryna rape 'em so y'all need to
:iconpedobearplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconshewantsyouplz:
:iconteletubbiesplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconsexybrowsplz:
:iconbarneyrapefaceplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconaznguyplz:
:iconhagayplz: And hide your husband 
:iconfacepalmplz: 'Cause they rapin' errybody out here
:iconantoinedodsonplz: You don't hafta come and confess
:iconbedintruderplz: We lookin' for you
:iconhideyourkidsplz: We gon' find you :iconwhomeplz:
:iconyesyouplz: We gon' find you
:iconrunbitchrunplz: So you can run and tell that,
:iconrunning-plz: Run and tell that
:iconrunforlifeplz:  Run and tell that, homeboy
:iconhomeboyplz: Home, home, homeboy

:icontshirtplz: We got your t-shirt
:iconboxxyseesplz: You left fingerprints and all
:iconyoumustbenewplz: You are so dumb
:iconforrealplz: You are really dumb--for real
:iconreporterplz: The man got away leaving behind evidence
:iconbetchplz: I was attacked by some idiot in the projects
:iconsodumbplz: So dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so

:iconiliedplz: He's climbin' your windows
:iconspazattackplz: He's snatching yo' people up
:icondonotwantplz::iconpelvicthrustplz: Tryna rape 'em so y'all need to
:iconpedobearplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconshewantsyouplz:
:iconteletubbiesplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconsexybrowsplz:
:iconbarneyrapefaceplz: Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife :iconaznguyplz:
:iconhagayplz: And hide your husband 
:iconfacepalmplz: 'Cause they rapin' errybody out here
:iconantoinedodsonplz: You don't hafta come and confess
:iconbedintruderplz: We lookin' for you
:iconhideyourkidsplz: We gon' find you :iconwhomeplz:
:iconyesyouplz: We gon' find you
:iconrunbitchrunplz: So you can run and tell that,
:iconrunning-plz: Run and tell that
:iconrunforlifeplz:  Run and tell that, homeboy
:iconmhmmplz: Home, home, homeboy

