Les Miserables - ChristmasRenny08 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/renny08/art/Les-Miserables-Christmas-422411399Renny08

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Les Miserables - Christmas



Whenever I take the resolution of drawing something for a special day (be it Christmas, Easter, even when I draw birthday presents to myself) I'm always, inevitably LATE. If I actually get to draw something, of course :XD: and even if I do, you end up getting a super small sketchy thing like this one x)

I hope you like it a bit, anyway!!
Valjean and Cosette are perfect to draw during Christmas time... after all, when Valjean came to rescue Cosette, it was Christmas! :D

So... well, I hope you had a really good one with your families and friends! :)

Now I gotta go, I'm going to see Frozen again with my family! I hope they're gonna like it D:

And by the way, thank you to all of you who still stick with me. I haven't been able to post anything lately, but I'll be back soon with posting some commissions I've been doing.
See you soon! :D
Image size
650x522px 230.72 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Renny08
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Lightyear90's avatar
I love it, girl! Awesome!