Anakin and AhsokaRenny08 on DeviantArt

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Anakin and Ahsoka



As the title says! :)  I haven't drawn them in a very long time, so bear with me for any inaccuracies, please!
I don't know why I refused to draw Anakin in his actual TCW outfit back when I was able to make fanart of them every day, it's so cool... well, actually I know. It was just because I preferred his Episode III version haha!
Either way, it was a lot of fun to finally try and draw this outfit. This was meant to be a little clean up/coloring practice.
Hope you like it a bit :)
Thank you very much!

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AdvancedFan2020's avatar

Big brother and little sister of Star Wars.

May they resolve their relationship for good in the upcoming Ahsoka show.