ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Log 9:
Well, she's finally noticed that's she's been eating a bit too much. Princess has gained a few pounds, according to the sensors hidden in her bed, and they're beginning to show. Not a drastic change to her body, just an incrwease in breast size, a small potbelly, and a little more curve to her lower body, but enoough that she knows something is up.
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Welcome to a weight gain sequence featuring a recently tansformed Yor Forger, from Spy X Family! If you missed the sequence where Yor becomes a busty bimbo, have a link to the start of the sequence:
Now, this sequence already exists on my DeviantArt page as a purchasable ZIP file, but I will be releasing images from it weekly. So, if you want to skip the wait, you can go purchase it now. If not, that's cool, they'll all be uploaded eventually.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this sequence!
Image size
768x1024px 1.12 MB
Created using AI tools
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