Otanjobi Omedetou Jirou-chanrenata-satsuki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/renata-satsuki/art/Otanjobi-Omedetou-Jirou-chan-54647636renata-satsuki

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Otanjobi Omedetou Jirou-chan



another birthday I'll be missing >___< Akutagawa Jirou-chan from Hyoutei! >w< His birthday is tomorrow. It's on the same day as my brother's birthday and also Children's day in Japan! \o/

That is Marui-chan from Rikkai giving him a piece of cake =3 Isn't it cutesy? X3~

So, happy b-day, Jirou-chan and Aniki! ^___^

Just a WIP because I have to go on my school trip now XP Made this in 10 minutes XD Once I come back I'll finish it properly. \o/

Jirou, Marui, PoT (c) Konomi Takeshi
art (c) me

EDIT: Yay! Finished coloring! =3 Lazy coloring, but anyways XP

I love those gay bubbles! So useful when you're someone unable to make backgrounds like moi 8D
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613x355px 281.35 KB
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riojamsushi's avatar
Aww!This is so cute!I love Jirou and Marui there so cute~ =3