Fluff MonsterRenagadeRexRider on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/renagaderexrider/art/Fluff-Monster-315808474RenagadeRexRider

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Fluff Monster



:iconawwwplz: SHE'S SO FLUFFY IMMA GONNA DIE:iconlaplz:

Omg she was SO DARN FLUFFY AND CUTE A BABY!:iconeeeeeplz:

I began on this at work:D lol. She was finished today while i was at my sister's watching FMAB:D lol... I got her hoooooked~~ :greetings:

Lolz. tried outlining in a little more than black. liked the outcome:XD:
and before anyone says anything, yes she is supposed to have stripes... but when she was a baby, her fluffy down was all one color until she began sloughing it off:D
Fafnir the Tyrannosaurus rex is a ©:iconrenagaderexrider:
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