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sorry guys for not being on//had a lot going on in my life as well as this site does not work with chrome or firefox properly anymore. I have to use IE since it only loads DA's top header due to my security settings. I hate DA's stance on this others have complained and they don't wanna budge, I have to have high security settings and such bc I deal with a lot of high profile companies and I can't compromise my security and my client's data just to please DA. This is ridiculous and they need to get over it. Lots have left as a result of this crap. They want to force people to use inferior stuff to view their site and they wonder why it's on the decline. 

Dropped my first album!
If you like deeper trance and 90s game soundtrack vibe and a new take on synthwave it's your kinda album!
Google Play // Spotify // Amazon // Tidal
not working right
DA hasnt been working right the past month. sorry if I take a long time to approve stuff or respond.
taking a bit of a break
As the title indicates. Not a lot of activity on my stuff anyways...Wanna see more? You will if I get more activity on my existing.
new group launched!
Check it out here: http://remixedabstracts.deviantart.com/
© 2016 - 2025 remixedcat
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