Maraapunisaurus fragilimusreminegrest on DeviantArt

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reminegrest's avatar

Maraapunisaurus fragilimus



Speculative skeletal reconstruction based on (let us think) part of dorsal vertebra. If we consider it in terms of primitive diplodocoids, let say, rebbachisaurids, a vertebra should be high with a little vertebral body. Reconstruction is based on the skeleton of Nigersaurus, but the proportions correspond to larger diplodocoids, which gives it a shape similar to Apatosaurus (that also had so high dorsal vertebrae). Total lenght is about 38 m, that makes it not as big as in other estimates, but still huge.
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4733x1445px 543.93 KB
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RickRaptor105's avatar
Congrats on predicting the rebbachisaur identity four years ago.