Airport in 3DRekalnus on DeviantArt

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Airport in 3D



Taking the plunge into 3D with some basic architecture in Google Sketchup 8. While bouncing boxes and rectangles and spheres around is ok, I actually need a project to really get in, and get into enough trouble to learn things.
Some scale modelmaking groups I belong to have members that cannot , due to lack of space , have a big diorama board or any replicas of buildings to pose completed aero models in. They want some really basic 3D airport scenery and buildings that can be rendered as scenes and then finish painted a bit in PS , Corel, etc. and their creations pasted in. So I made a little airport, with a wide variety of buildings, taxiways, runways, parking aprons and hardstands. I left off vegetation as each user can add their own and will add vehicles in a different collection. The depicted airport is a small one just under one mile square, a bit like Chicago Midway in size, a place I grew up near.
For the curious browser, one of the hangars is a ramp to an underground air depot straight out of comic book aviation.
The model is in sketchup 3D Warehouse under the name "kg144aerodrome". Please follow sketchup rules of use for these designs. Let me know what you think and any things to add in a future update or expansion. This was a 18 hours effort over 3 days.
Image size
1676x902px 407.87 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Rekalnus
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