Sweet Apple AcresReillyington86 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/reillyington86/art/Sweet-Apple-Acres-452673780Reillyington86

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Reillyington86's avatar

Sweet Apple Acres



This is my fourth remake drawing from the piece I did back in February. I did this in-between other projects and didn’t get to spend quite as much time as I wanted on it.

The original design was just to have the character Apple Jack on her own but then I added her sister and it went from there. I do have to say that I find it a little strange that a farm is being run by horses. o_O. The animals will take over the WORLD!!!! Reminds me of the book, Animal Farm.

I not sure who I will do next but I have had a couple of people asking me to do a piece based on something called the Mirror Pond or Mirror Pool something like that. I haven't looked into what that is yet but maybe that will be my next one after I've finished some other pieces first. 

Anyway, that’s for looking!

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Watch the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies" for the Mirror Pond thing.  Something about duplicating one's self or something like that.