Reikantsuyoi (This word means the ability (or curse) to sense ghosts or the spirit world.)
This site will be for stock photos. (Some will be free some for sale.)
My main site is here: there is something you need let me know I will try to shoot and post almost any request I have access to.
I made many of these for free or as cheap as possible (Only 10 points).
Send me a note if you need something for free.
By purchase or "Free" you may:
- you can post your artwork outside of DeviantArt
- You can use my stock as part of your print.
- Fine for commercial and personal use but must be somehow modified.
You may not:
-Do not use my stock photos to create new stock or claim my photos as your own!
- You can`t resell it or redistribute.
-For "free" and for purchased stock I prefer a fav. and a link to your work to see what you have done with it and to help promote your own work.
Enjoy! :D