My deviantART Story

5 min read

Deviation Actions

rehael's avatar
My deviantART Story? Well, it was long, long time ago, March 3rd 2001 to be exact, the day I landed here. Origins? Customize, LiteStep and so on. But I was a lurker then. It changed a bit when I made my first :+fav:The Perfumed Garden by burning-giraffe
The Perfumed Garden by burning-giraffe

But one of the first deviations I remember the most is Other's Cinderellas Dreams by NaIniE — I'm still in awe that this beautiful image was created with only a mouse and not a tablet.
::Other Cinderella's Dreams:: by NaIniE

There are deviations where the image is strong, but the description can simply blow your mind — it was the case when I stumbled upon The Logic of Crocodiles by fetology101.
The Logic of Crocodiles by fetology101

How could I forget about Pinup superhero by ladymorgana — a signed version with #2 edition number owned by me.
<da:thumb id="113810417"/> 

And when you spend too much time in the dark corners of dA, what's better to shine some light than a bunch of Phausis Reticulata with lovely SusanCoffey?
<da:thumb id="153832849"/>

I always knew that The've lied to us all [by jjnaas], but then dt happened and we got a glimpse of the inner workings of devART.
They've lied to us all along.. by jjnaas

I will always remember fondly the :devdeviantartgear: — especially the Artists United shirt with design from reyjdesigns
 1680x1050 DA Wallpaper by reyjdesigns Semi-Finalist: 'Da Design 2' by deviantWEAR
…proudly wearing it on the first World Dev Meet in Warsaw as you can see in the shot here — far right (by EagleEye666666): DevMeet Warsaw VII by EagleEye666666

Here I have also found my ultimate wall paper, beautiful Synergy by OmeN2501.
Synergy by OmeN2501

Oh, I think I've put more than five deviations here, so let me close with just a few more — my beloved Izabella as depicted by MuluC85, based on a photo I took:
Izabella by MuluC85 Steam Memories: Glamour by rehael 

And closing, together to the end by inismonaphotography
  together to the end by inismonaphotography
…together, to the end, just like with deviantART — as I think this site is now part of my DNA. I might be silent, not post much, not comment much, observe dArama from a distance, but I feel like home here.

© 2014 - 2025 rehael
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