GI Joe - Duke colorsRegis-AND on DeviantArt

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GI Joe - Duke colors



He's GI Joe. And he's Duke. What's more to say? (I know, I need to read coloring tutorials... Sigh....)

Hstory and credits: I don't like so much of his classic uniform. Looks more like a presentation uniform than a tactical one. When the resolute version of his figure was launched at retail, I bought and thought it was perfect: sleek and tactical at the same time!!! Well, that was until I see a custom Spec Ops Duke made by a member of the Hiss Tank community, called Horus0129 (he's amazing! :D). So, when I look at his custom, I thought: THIS is the perfect Duke! So, I used a pic of his custom figure as a reference. You can enjoy the original at:…
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