Feature... 83

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regina35nocis's avatar
Note me

A week late but here is the first feature of the year. SORRY that I haven't been on here a whole lot...err...at all ^^; I've just been really busy with work as since I work the late shift (used to be the time I would draw:tantrum:) by the time I get home all I want to do is sleep:sleep: Anyway, I have the next 2 days off and I will TRY REALLY HARD to get something new done to post :forgiveme:

P.S. there is no need to thank me for featuring anyone, it is my pleasure. Oh and I hope everyone's year has had a fantastically great start:eager:

:thumb225354137: Strawberry's Fenris by Purple-Meow Axis x Rhys - Chair by teahousecomic Clannad by Juu-Yuki little paradise by 0Febris0 Ringo the Red by Rinselli-chan Fairground Sunset by XariaCMYK fireflies by akaxai Gokudera- Dynamite by PeregrineJazmin :thumb268261439: :thumb203004642: Zodiac Virgo by hmongt Chronos' Dear daughter II by S-Gondolf Hanging Gardens by Linus-Plus Commission : Tsubaki-Ai by JinkiMania 9 Tails by Aetheory APH: Octobearfest by mixed-blessing KH: triangle by mixed-blessing Cloud Strife: Dog to Wolf by nicoyguevarra +Heartless+ by fluffyofdeath :thumb264261122: Girl smoking by DmitryGrebenkov :thumb190368311: Couple by yura-tsuki City Birds: Pasha appears by iMagLif

© 2012 - 2025 regina35nocis
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0Febris0's avatar
Thank so much for the feature :iconglompglompplz:
And I'm sorry for replying this late U__U