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R+04 p15 DWF p01 eng



Page 15

<<Page 14: R+04 p14 DWF Intro eng

Page 16>> R+04 p16 DWF p02 eng

:iconheisenking: Nicola Balocca - Story
:iconhellbat: Navtej Heer - Lineart
:icondoubledande: DoubleDandE - Colors
:iconm3gr1ml0ck: Franco Villa - Lettering and edits


- Panel 1: Megatron attacked Calgary in Desperate Fight.

- Panel 2, as well the remainder of this story, is set shortly after Yesterday's Hero, Tomorrow's Enemy in which we have seen Megatron's program to reactivate the fallen Decepticons started by  Dr Mindbender and Hotwire.

- Panel 2: St. Slaughter is coming too late to save Steeler (M.O.B.A.T.'s pilot) from Razorclaw's attack.

- Panel 3: Overkill is leading a small unit of Cobra composed by Cobra Troopers and B.A.T. units, with air support by Buzzsaw; Moon Knight is trying to stop them.

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1500x2120px 2.34 MB
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SolarisDragon's avatar
Interesting comic