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R+03 p05 aUtS p01 eng



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R+03 p06 HIATN Cover

:iconheisenking: Nicola Balocca - Story and script
:iconrh1n0x: Chris Vernon - Script and edits

:icontxs-1089: Thomas Sjöström - Art
:iconm3gr1ml0ck: Franco Villa - Lettering

- Previous chapter of this storyline: "Renegades Over America…".

- Breakdown's paranoia is a reference to his original Marvel profile.

- Before their arrival on Earth, Transformers had never even heard of water.

- Hudson Bay, located in northeastern
Canada, is a large body of saltwater. It's because of this that Breakdown met a whale.

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1500x2120px 2.15 MB
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RyugaSSJ3's avatar
Guess if he stuck around and not kill...this would happen: Yes,I'm a sentimental f***,shoot me. T_T