Refardeon's avatar


Gerrit C
1 Watcher63 Deviations

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  • Germany
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
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Operating System: Win XP

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Sony DSC H2
A long time ago in a galaxy far far... yeah, i realy should update my page more often. So, here are some new pictures... enjoy!
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New beginning

0 min read
After 13 months of silence I'm updating again. I've got a ton of new pictures which will be uploaded in the next two months. And I will rework most of my old pictures, meaning I will enframe most of them.Maybe I'll manage to update somewhat more regular from now on...
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In the Park

0 min read
Yesterday (3.10.07) Cubitus :iconCubitus: and I went to the Park der Gaerten. Well, we took a lot of photos there and we both uploaded a selection of them. So, enjoy our "Impressions of the Park der Gärten" :-)
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Profile Comments 47

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Thanks for the :+fav: very much! :)
Thank you for the fav!
:iconfastpokeplz: Great many thanks for the :+fav: dear!
Have a nice weekend! :iconcreepglompplz:
Thanks for the fave! :D
Thank you very much for the :+fav: :thanks:

I hope to see you again in my gallery! :blowkiss:
Thanks for all the Favs :):):):)

Greatly appreciated.