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Porcia and the Painting



There's a story from Plutarch that tells of Porcia, Brutus's wife, crying every time she saw a certain painting of the parting of Hector and Andromache, as told in the Iliad Book VI. Hector didn't come back. Brutus didn't either.

My class finished reading the Iliad and ugh so many parts where I saw Hector and Andromache as Brutus and Porcia. Why must I be a classics fan.

Update: This painting was referenced in a footnote in a blog post by Dr. Gregory Nagy of Harvard University's Center for Hellenistic Studies: classical-inquiries.chs.harvar…
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1600x1200px 1.03 MB
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isQariot's avatar
This is a very nice artwork and I like the meaning behind it, very touching. Thanks for sharing your painting and also the thoughts behind it.