Wavy Hair Strands Photoshop and GIMP Brushesredheadstock on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/redheadstock/art/Wavy-Hair-Strands-Photoshop-and-GIMP-Brushes-56502475redheadstock

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Wavy Hair Strands Photoshop and GIMP Brushes

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Brushes: 16
Photoshop 7, CS-CS6, CC
Photoshop Elements 2+
GIMP 2.2.6+

A set of brushes made up of various strands of hair, mostly wavy. These should be able to be used by photo manipulators to add a full head of wavy hair, if used correctly.

These are all high resolution images, averaging about 1200 pixels in height.

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Licenses available for those who can't creditwww.obsidiandawn.com/hair-stra…
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