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Daily Deviation

October 9, 2008
Urban Designs Vectors Brushes by *redheadstock is an awesome set of Photoshop brushes that are also available as Photoshop shapes. If you use brushes, this is a must see gallery.
Featured by LawrenceDeDark
redheadstock's avatar

Urban Designs Vectors Photoshop and GIMP Brushes



Brushes: 31
Photoshop 7, CS-CS6, CC
Photoshop Elements 2+
GIMP 2.2.6+

A set of Photoshop brushes made up of various "urban" designs, as vectors. All very high resolution, with the average brush size being about 1600 pixels.

Includes: barbed wire, buildings, chain link fence, various circles, street lamps, miscellaneous vector designs, razor wire, smoke, a smokestack, vector splatters, telephone poles, and more!

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Also available as custom shapes in Photoshop here: Urban Designs Custom Shapes

Edit: Thank you so much for the DD! And thank you LawrenceDeDark!
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