Ropes -n- Chains Photoshop and GIMP Brushesredheadstock on DeviantArt

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Ropes -n- Chains Photoshop and GIMP Brushes


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Brushes: 33
Photoshop 7, CS-CS6, CC
Photoshop Elements 2+
GIMP 2.2.6+

A set of Photoshop brushes made up of various ropes and chains. This includes several cords (like for trims on fabric) and jewelry chains, as well as the more traditional, rugged ropes and chains that you'd find in your local hardware store!

They can all be "linked" together by using the same brush over and over, and should be seamless if done properly.

Many of these are extremely high res (2500 pixels high/wide) and very detailed!

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AnnEllspethRaven's avatar

Your brush is used in a story illustration at this location, with credit in the endnotes The image link is not publicly viewable outside of this work. Warning that this chapter contains explicit adult content (sexual) but the image is very close to the beginning and easily found in a spot before anything becomes....unseemly. Blond man and redheaded woman; she wears a nose ring to which the chain is connected.