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Underground 00-043



Well, I'm surprising myself by how well I'm keeping up with a weekly production schedule. I blame ~bbqbert and her friends for being so darn inspiring.

Once again Akira's face gave me trouble. He seems to be shy about close-ups -- I couldn't get him to hold still long enough to make panel 3 look solid and cohesive.

Random trivia: the teacher here is Mr. Smith -- a tribute to my high school physics teacher, Mr. Jones. In order to write his teaching jargon I had to search for physics lessons online, because it's been so long since I took the class myself. ^_^;

More random trivia: all three of the preps in panel 2 will have names sooner or later, but I haven't come up with them yet.


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mekkouine-ke-peia's avatar
Wait, if you wanted physics from Jones' class why didn't you just say so!?