What's there to say? I'm in my late thirties, baldish, with a sometimes-bushy red beard. That's got some gray in it. I've got four kids here at home and another from a previous relationship. I've got a wonderful wife. I'm a programmer by day and a father and programmer by night. My art is generally via programming using POV-Ray. I like dragons and good art. And role playing games. Rifts especially.
And LEGOs. Lots and lots of LEGOs. Thankfully, so do my wife and kids. And the company I work for. Heh...we've got 20,000 2x4 LEGO bricks in the garage: 10,000 each of white and black. Because my wife and I designed a version of Noah's Ark for church a few years back at mini-fig size.
And I don't sleep enough.
Current Residence: Somewhere this side of Oz
Favourite genre of music: Do I have to pick?
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux
MP3 player of choice: mpd/mpc
Shell of choice: Bash
Wallpaper of choice: Random selection from a bunch
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