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[Resource] Ember Turn Around Cycle v1



Model was created by :iconaeridiccore: & :iconstann-co: 

Here is a Turn around Cycle for Ember v1. ( I plan on improving it even more, because I know it's not perfect) 

Expect a version 2 ( Because I will update it) 



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The reason for doing this is because with the amount of animations I do, I find having characters Turning around is the hardest and most time consuming thing part as an animator. 
So I decided to make a Ember turn cycle, this should help with reducing the time with having to animate her turning in place. 
This is just the Longer road to making more turn around cycles for other models. Like the Mare Turn around cycle which is nearly completed.
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600x338px 1.29 MB
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PacificPenguin's avatar
did you slow it down on purpose? how'd you compile the gif?