XMEN :: Gambit and RogueRed-J on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/red-j/art/XMEN-Gambit-and-Rogue-39338619Red-J

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XMEN :: Gambit and Rogue



g'day, g'day!

I must say that i find it rather retarded that i have to pick weather this piece is done 'traditionally' or 'digitally'....but anyway, it has equal parts of both, pencils and colours by me.

This was a piece I did for the 60,000 page views request made by and she requested GAMBIT.

I thought it was a great request, 'cause I never really get the chance to draw much Xmen stuff, but I love these characters.

I love the designs of the Xmen from before all the movie stuff started happening. Not a fan off the all black leather look. I like the colourful and iconic looking suits. Afterall, these are comic books, and not movies. (Don't get me wrong...I'm a fan of the flicks...its just that what works in movies dosnt seem to translate well into a drawing for me). I think Mr. Bachalo is doing a great job of bringing back those cool iconic designs. Let me just say....Gambit needs a good update.

The trick with Gambit is to make him look cool, without drawing him like a cheesy 90's character. (Not saying i succeded by the way...brown trench-coats just aint that cool, and I drew him in his original costume here). I added Rogue in there, cause they really go together in my mind, and its a good excuse to draw a cute lady. I also wanted to draw a Sentinel grave yard in there. It's an idea I've had for quite some time, but never had the chance to really go for it. So yeah...basically this is my first attempt at drawing all these guys, especially the sentinel, who i have never even sketched before.

Hope you guys like what I came up with, and especially DisorganizedChaos, since it was her request! Thanks for choosing a cool character to draw!


PS: Is anyone interested in seeing the raw pencils for this?
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MagerIssue's avatar
Holy crap this style is amazing