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4th Doctor's Scarf Dress - TARDIS



I kept seeing all these beautiful TARDIS and Dalek dresses and wanted to make my own... but something I haven't seen done before. I love making Baker's scarf in all the different versions and lengths so I decided to make my own version as a dress!

This is completely crocheted. It measures 48 inches long and is crocheted to fit tightly on my body. Once I was complete, I sewed a liner on the inside and put it on. It fit on the first try. I'm planning on making more versions of this (like a halter-top) and making other iconic accessories into crocheted dresses (like Jayne Cobb's hat).

I wore it to Con Kasterborous in Huntsville, AL and it won Most Creative in their costume contest.

Please like my facebook page - Rebel Among The Stars Studios

4th Doctor's Scarf Dress by RebelATS 4th Doctor's Scarf Short Dress by RebelATS
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3292x4110px 11.52 MB
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L-Justine's avatar
this is so creative and original! Fantastic!