Donnie, Put Down the Flamethrower (RotTMNT)
“Thou hast angered me for the last time!” Donnie rose up, whipping out his tech bo. “Prepare to meet thine end!” Pointing it forward a bunch of blades popped out.
“Oh no,” Leo leaned in the doorway. “I hear Shakespeare, what’s going on?” His eyes widened at Donnie pointing his bo staff at a computer.
“Go away Leo, I don’t have time for your snark!”
He held onto the doorway, keeping most of him behind the safety of the wall. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m trying to hack into this computer.”
He raised an eyespace. “With actual blades?”
“No, I-” With a grumble he lowered the staff. “Usually the Purple Dragon’s tech is subpar at best, but Kendra must’ve found some program I’ve never seen before because I can’t hack her computer; her firewalls have firewalls! Well,” he turned back to the computer, “let’s see how it likes actual fire!” With the press of a button his bo became a flamethrower.
Leo carefully stepped into the room. “Maybe-”
“Don’t say I can’t do it!” His head whipped to
555 deviations
Donnie, Put Down the Flamethrower (RotTMNT)
“Thou hast angered me for the last time!” Donnie rose up, whipping out his tech bo. “Prepare to meet thine end!” Pointing it forward a bunch of blades popped out.
“Oh no,” Leo leaned in the doorway. “I hear Shakespeare, what’s going on?” His eyes widened at Donnie pointing his bo staff at a computer.
“Go away Leo, I don’t have time for your snark!”
He held onto the doorway, keeping most of him behind the safety of the wall. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m trying to hack into this computer.”
He raised an eyespace. “With actual blades?”
“No, I-” With a grumble he lowered the staff. “Usually the Purple Dragon’s tech is subpar at best, but Kendra must’ve found some program I’ve never seen before because I can’t hack her computer; her firewalls have firewalls! Well,” he turned back to the computer, “let’s see how it likes actual fire!” With the press of a button his bo became a flamethrower.
Leo carefully stepped into the room. “Maybe-”
“Don’t say I can’t do it!” His head whipped to
555 deviations

My Best Work
31 deviations
Years Later
Years later I realize what I should have said
By now you've long forgotten
While I still carry the pain
181 deviations

291 deviations
“Here you go sir,” I smile as I hand him his coffee. As he walks away I look over the shop, busy and calming at the same time. I know it’s cliché, working at a coffee shop, but that’s what I like about it, the normalcy.
“Can I get a-”
I turn to my customer and it feels like my heart stops. An all too familiar face stares shocked back; but whereas his fades into a smile mine turns to a glare.
“Cath, I need to go home early,” I round the counter and head for the door.
“Wait!” he yells after me.
So I run. But down the street I hear running footsteps catching up so I turn on him. “Leave me alone! I never want to see you again.”
“Why not?” He’s...
Original Stories
3 deviations

My Faith
42 deviations
Color to My Life (Portal Chelley)
Blue dripped from the paint roller taped to Wheatley’s upper handle. Pressing the roller to the wall, he waved his handle up and down, painting the wall as he was scooted sideways. When the blue ran out he raised his handle, glancing to where Chell painted beside him. “I need more paint.”
She unstrapped the roller, refilled it, and taped it back to him. As she painted she kept a foot on the desk chair he sat on, pushing it. She painted from his strip upward.
“I’m out.”
She swiveled the chair towards her to get his roller before refilling both of theirs.
His optic moved around while he waited. Gaze landing on the wall he looked proudly at h...
216 deviations

Sonic The Hedgehog
36 deviations

Legend of Zelda
26 deviations
Noct's Mom (FFXV)
Sunlight started to peek through the trees, glinting off the river that ran by a campsite.
The sounds of sizzling and chopping filled the cool morning air.
Noctis chopped some berries and poured them into a bowl. Picking up his phone his eyes fluttered as he scrolled over the recipe. He looked down but didn’t see the next ingredient; looking through their bags he still didn’t see it. “Dang it.” He looked back at the phone. “How needed is it?”
The sizzling got louder.
“Oh no!” he ran across the camp to flip the bacon over.
“What’s going on?”
He looked startled at the accented voice.
Looking over the scene Ignis wasn’t sure if he should be c...
Final Fantasy XV
4 deviations
Donnie, Put Down the Flamethrower (RotTMNT)
“Thou hast angered me for the last time!” Donnie rose up, whipping out his tech bo. “Prepare to meet thine end!” Pointing it forward a bunch of blades popped out.
“Oh no,” Leo leaned in the doorway. “I hear Shakespeare, what’s going on?” His eyes widened at Donnie pointing his bo staff at a computer.
“Go away Leo, I don’t have time for your snark!”
He held onto the doorway, keeping most of him behind the safety of the wall. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m trying to hack into this computer.”
He raised an eyespace. “With actual blades?”
“No, I-” With a grumble he lowered the staff. “Usually the Purple Dragon’s tech is subpar at best, but Kendra must’ve found some program I’ve never seen before because I can’t hack her computer; her firewalls have firewalls! Well,” he turned back to the computer, “let’s see how it likes actual fire!” With the press of a button his bo became a flamethrower.
Leo carefully stepped into the room. “Maybe-”
“Don’t say I can’t do it!” His head whipped to
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
19 deviations

Animal Crossing
17 deviations
Your Smile (Coco Imector)
“Hola, cariña,” Hector walked up to where Imelda worked at a table.
She pounded on the bottom of a shoe. “Hola.”
“How was your day?”
His face fell as she continued working, not even looking up at him. Passing her he sank into an armchair. “Phew I’m tired, tired to the bone ,” he shook his arms, their bones clicking together. He grinned at Imelda to find her back still turned. The smile started to fall before picking back up. “Are you busy?” He slipped from the chair.
“Can I lend you…”
A hand walked across her table to wave its thumb at her.
“…a hand?”
She looked annoyed from it to where he now leaned his elbow on the table...
Other Fan Art and Fiction
13 deviations
Why I'm Probably Losing NaNoWriMo This Year
This year NaNoWriMo should’ve been easy; I have characters who write their own stories, and this particular one I’ve been waiting to write for years.
But I can’t focus on it, I’m giving it most of my time but as hard as I try I can’t give it my focus.
All month I’ve kind of known why but have been avoiding it; I knew that I had more important things to do this time. I’ve been trying to seek God and grow closer to him. I’ve been needing to make money. My stories just can’t be my first priority anymore. As much as I’ve avoided admitting it: I can’t do whatever I want.
But that’s OK, I needed NaNoWriMo to make me finish my first series. I nee...
3 deviations
Holding On (FE3H Dimileth)
Content Warnings: Blood mention and character death
Staring up at the sky I felt the warm sun and itchy grass against my skin. I turned my head to Dimitri lying next to me.
He lay on his side, watching me with a sleepy smile.
I smiled back which made his widen. Seeing his hand lying between us I took it.
He pulled our hands to him, placing a soft kiss against my knuckles.
I nearly giggled and his eyes brightened the most I’d ever seen before they fluttered closed.
Our hands stayed intertwined as we drifted off. As the world faded out I remember hoping
that it would always stay this way.
That was before everything changed…
Staring up at the sky I feel the cold against my face as I lie on the grass. Clashes of steel ring from the battle around me; the sound growing distant as the pain in my stomach worsens. Looking to my side Dimitri lies next to me, our blood mingling between us.
He’s hurt just as bad but looking worriedly at me.
I muster the strength to give him the
Fire Emblem Three Houses
5 deviations