ReaperXXIV on DeviantArt

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ReaperXXIV's avatar

Rainbow Virus



So it had been awhile since i had done any designs and i sort of missed it , so today while trying to come up with some sort of idea or inspiration I stumbled on this idea and ran with it.

Sort of the idea of perfection or beauty being decimated by darkness.


More Designs like this in my Gallery --->[link]

***Be sure to download this and not just save the pic once you click to full size. The actual image size is done at a much higher res. ***
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2880x1800px 3.73 MB
© 2010 - 2024 ReaperXXIV
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XxScardoniaxX's avatar

this pic has been the wallpaper on my phone for the longest time ^^ it's super pretty!! your work is awesome~