Beauty and BeastRealisedSin on DeviantArt

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Beauty and Beast



Well, I got "The Hanged Man" by Francesca Lia Block on tuesday, and it has a few referances to beauty and the beast. And I was thinking about the old story.

I dont think that beauty's father loved her. I think he purposely picked the rose to get rid of her. I think his two other daughters looked like him, and he knew they were his, but she was different, and he thought his wife cheated on him (in my mind, she didn't, Beauty just looked like her, and not him). So he sent her to Beast to get rid of her.
My Beast was never a prince, born a beast. And why wouldn't she just change for him? Why does he have to be a human?

I'll shut up now.

Real media, just, you know, random pencil crayons.

Beauty didn't turn out so well, but I think Beast is perfect. Well, the way I pictured him anyways. Which is odd, because I was expecting her to look ok, and him to be all screwed up.
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johnny6187's avatar
u suck ^_^ >^_^< 8=====D O: <----ur mom