Entrance to EverfreeRBDash47 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rbdash47/art/Entrance-to-Everfree-244142648RBDash47

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Entrance to Everfree



I stitched this together out of screencaps from Bridle Gossip to use in the site header for the Everfree theme, and figured I'd throw up the full-res version here in case anypony else had a use for it.

EDIT: For clarity's sake - though I thought this was clear from the original description - this isn't a vector. It's just multiple screencaps from the episodes, stitched together and cleaned up (i.e. removed Apple Bloom).
Image size
2125x720px 980.25 KB
© 2011 - 2025 RBDash47
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BluePedro's avatar
So, if this is a few screen caps stitched together, then if you were to get the 1080p version of the episode, would you be able to upload a version that would scale to 3187x1080?