Current Residence: home deviantWEAR sizing preference: L I guess Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks MP3 player of choice: Ipod Favourite cartoon character: MANY!!! Personal Quote: No rush, no rush...
Favourite Visual Artist
Reptilecynrik, Poseidon Simons... And many others from DA
Favourite Movies
I got many!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nobuo Uematsu, Yuzo Koshiro, Koji Kondo... Many others
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360 I guess, depends what kick-ass game is released.
Tools of the Trade
Mechanical pencils and ink pens, erasers, photoshop and graphics tablet, imagination, coffee cup! :3
I rarely do write these journals, but I think it's about time to do that again. It goes really without saying much more that this year has been pretty insane and very likely next few ones as well.
But personally and now reason for my inactivity-seeming is that I've been dealing, and still am, with a shat up hand. It might even be worst case scenario with thumb's joint? All began on last autumn but let's just be brief. I have been wearing brace on the hand since January but partial reason for aches and pains hopefully has been that I'm still not stopping my doodling.
I cannot draw as much as before because the hand wears out, or starts aching bit too fast but I just feel compelled to keep on doodling. Reason for not uploading anything is perhaps bit of a fault of being sort of perfectionist? I don't feel like uploading everything right away and wanting to work on the sketch a bit more, maybe doing line art or at least then adding some color too.
But I'm thinking it's again a time
Since it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience... Happy 100th anniversary Finland! Personally I am not celebrating overly grand but it's nice to see other people celebrating :) Enjoy everybody!
As well less importantly... Been having new tablet pen i...
Won't be drawing anything for a good while because of my tablet pen becoming unusable with way too short pen's tip that I cannot remove, new pen is ordered with along TEN replacement tips. Because this tablet did not have the courtesy to come with a...